
Working in healthcare is the worst

I work a position adjacent to being a CNA pretty much but with a different title and similar or even less pay. I work 2nd shift so the nurse manager is never there since he works 1st and leaves early which leaves the nurses to be my boss. I’ve taken a lunch break maybe twice in my near year of working. We are allowed the breaks, and if we ask they will give it but then will talk behind your back, call you lazy, make fun of you for “needing a break when [they] work so much harder and don’t take them.” They treat me like shit. I was never properly trained and they’re always complaining about it without actually trying to help or explain. One guy yelled at me in front of everyone for making a repeated paper filing mistake, when I never even knew it wasn’t supposed to…

I work a position adjacent to being a CNA pretty much but with a different title and similar or even less pay. I work 2nd shift so the nurse manager is never there since he works 1st and leaves early which leaves the nurses to be my boss.

I’ve taken a lunch break maybe twice in my near year of working. We are allowed the breaks, and if we ask they will give it but then will talk behind your back, call you lazy, make fun of you for “needing a break when [they] work so much harder and don’t take them.”

They treat me like shit. I was never properly trained and they’re always complaining about it without actually trying to help or explain. One guy yelled at me in front of everyone for making a repeated paper filing mistake, when I never even knew it wasn’t supposed to be done that way since I wasn’t even taught or explained it. The same guy yelled at me in front of a patient for a non urgent mistake. He physically entered the room of the patient I was with to scold me instead of just waiting. The patient looked terrified I felt awful. He just glared at me in silence for over a minute after while I tried not to cry.

The other coworkers are so passive aggressive and talk endless shit about how our role is so useless and all of us are lazy even though they make us do so many of their duties on top of our own and we make nothing compared to them income wise.

There was a new nurse working who I really liked but they ended up bullying her so bad she quit on the spot one day and they laughed about how now she can’t use us as a good reference. What was her crime? Taking days off for a mental health condition and afterwards nonstop being labeled as crazy, lazy, attention seeking, etc.

The nurse manager is scared of the bully nurses and too busy to care. I am quitting once I hit a year since I need the bonus. I don’t understand how these awful workplaces are allowed to exist as they are.

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