
Working just to live is making living feel like work as well.

Everyday feels relatively the same. I’ve started to ask myself … what is the purpose of money and why do I need it if I’m not able to “enjoy” it. It’s scary to know bills don’t stop and you have to feed yourself. Add a family to that and you’re now a living walking – barely talking zombie. I ask myself “do I need a second job” and I am doing enough with my time (I work 8-6) most days and afterwards my brain is toast. My free time isn’t free time because my I’m constantly not in the present. I’m always worrying or stressing about the next day or next week. PS. I love life, I just hate it just as equally. If that makes sense lol.

Everyday feels relatively the same. I’ve started to ask myself … what is the purpose of money and why do I need it if I’m not able to “enjoy” it. It’s scary to know bills don’t stop and you have to feed yourself. Add a family to that and you’re now a living walking – barely talking zombie.

I ask myself “do I need a second job” and I am doing enough with my time (I work 8-6) most days and afterwards my brain is toast. My free time isn’t free time because my I’m constantly not in the present. I’m always worrying or stressing about the next day or next week.

PS. I love life, I just hate it just as equally. If that makes sense lol.

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