
Working retail is the worst.

Welp the title says it all. This post is coming from the fact that today I got yelled at by a previously well mannered customer all because I'm required to ask for an ID on anything age restricted. If we don't ask we literally cannot sell the item and the worst offender of this all are lighters because they are restricted to 18+ here so we still need to scan an ID for them. The worst part is that this somehow ended up as a democrats are bad rant all because hippies ruined the country apparently.

Welp the title says it all. This post is coming from the fact that today I got yelled at by a previously well mannered customer all because I'm required to ask for an ID on anything age restricted. If we don't ask we literally cannot sell the item and the worst offender of this all are lighters because they are restricted to 18+ here so we still need to scan an ID for them. The worst part is that this somehow ended up as a democrats are bad rant all because hippies ruined the country apparently.

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