
Working time

I work as an external for a big industrial company. I used to work from 9.00am ti 6.00 pm but every single time that I leave people look at me like “ah wow, she’s leaving sooo early” and in consequence this people giva me addictional projects to end as soon as possible just for this reason. How can I react in a Smart way to stop this fucking and stupid attitude? I really work in 8h but work and just work 8 hours is tiring. Finance work..

I work as an external for a big industrial company.
I used to work from 9.00am ti 6.00 pm but every single time that I leave people look at me like “ah wow, she’s leaving sooo early” and in consequence this people giva me addictional projects to end as soon as possible just for this reason. How can I react in a Smart way to stop this fucking and stupid attitude? I really work in 8h but work and just work 8 hours is tiring. Finance work..

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