
Working two full time jobs ?

Hi everyone I’m 23 , so I’ve been working a WFH job for a month now from the hours of 11:30am-8pm which only pays $15/hour. My rent is $1293 and my power bill monthly is usually around $100/month, phone bill $50/month and internet $55/month . If you do the math you can see that’s really tight with the income I receive . I’m currently about $3000 in debt with no more savings, and I literally have .38 cents in my bank account until I get paid from my day time job which isn’t for another week so I’ll already be late for rent again this month. I don’t have a car because I sold it to pay for rent due to a timeframe of being evicted within 3 days and that was my only quick choice of getting cash in a great amount of time which was only $3000 some…

Hi everyone I’m 23 , so I’ve been working a WFH job for a month now from the hours of 11:30am-8pm which only pays $15/hour. My rent is $1293 and my power bill monthly is usually around $100/month, phone bill $50/month and internet $55/month . If you do the math you can see that’s really tight with the income I receive . I’m currently about $3000 in debt with no more savings, and I literally have .38 cents in my bank account until I get paid from my day time job which isn’t for another week so I’ll already be late for rent again this month. I don’t have a car because I sold it to pay for rent due to a timeframe of being evicted within 3 days and that was my only quick choice of getting cash in a great amount of time which was only $3000 some months ago. I decided in my mind if I get a 2nd full time job my day time job will pay for bills and my 2nd job will catch me up on debt , start an emergency fund and maybe eventually I’ll be able to get me a car in a few months. Well , I recently got a interview to work a night audit job from 11pm-7am paying $13/hr. Being that my wfh job isn’t as hard right now I’m thinking I could be able to work the two. Any advice before I go to the interview ? And completely accept the position . Also it’s walking distance so I don’t have to drive.

Note: my mentality right now is really not on hanging out and going out as much because I’m really trying to stack my money up.

Thanks for your comments ahead !

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