
Workplace announced they are banning smoke breaks, write ups for being on your phone… Offered counseling for quitting smoking

Backstory. I work at a really nice private golf course. Members openly smoke a lot. Place is very private. Gated. Huge place. There is a smokers section away from the members and is enclosed in a back loading dock area. They announced that smoking was banned. I’d say a majority of people vape. (300-350 staff) I had a discussion and said they should consider limiting breaks, because people are abusing the breaks and smoking more than working. For example taking 10 breaks a day etc.. They declined and said it was easier to ban it all together. They are offering counseling and therapists to help quit smoking? First off, I’m not a chain smoker. I vape and smoke cigars (not at work). I don’t have a problem. A vape will last me 2 1/2 weeks sometimes longer. Typically it stays in my car. They are really pushing this whole “you…


I work at a really nice private golf course. Members openly smoke a lot. Place is very private. Gated. Huge place.

There is a smokers section away from the members and is enclosed in a back loading dock area. They announced that smoking was banned. I’d say a majority of people vape. (300-350 staff)

I had a discussion and said they should consider limiting breaks, because people are abusing the breaks and smoking more than working. For example taking 10 breaks a day etc..

They declined and said it was easier to ban it all together. They are offering counseling and therapists to help quit smoking?

First off, I’m not a chain smoker. I vape and smoke cigars (not at work). I don’t have a problem. A vape will last me 2 1/2 weeks sometimes longer.

Typically it stays in my car. They are really pushing this whole “you need to quit smoking all together vs just don’t smoke at work.”

I basically told them to fuck off lol. What I do in my own time is no concern to there’s. There are department heads who said they will most likely quit because they can’t stop chain smoking. To me that’s an addiction.

Either way, who are they to tell people they need to quit smoking completely?

Most of the staff in my area are 20-30 age range. The issues of people being on their phone are with the younger crowd. The 20-22 year old college kids.

Older crowd has zero issues. We use our phones at work to communicate with each other and to perform certain tasks. Rarely are we on it..

Overall it seems they are punishing the workplace for a handful of people abusing the policy’s…

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