
Workplace bullying and theft

Hi there, I work in an office in the UK, a smallish one. We are told to put our bags and coats in the cloakroom. A few months ago, someone put someone elses phone in my bag and I didn't realise until six or seven days later when I reported this and handed the phone in. I reported this to HR but it was swept under the rug and a message was sent out asking for people not to go into anyone's else's bag. Fast forward to today. I find out after leaving work that not only has someone stolen my house keys but that someone has also put a sandwich from work (we get platters of sandwiches on Mondays delivered) in my bag and it has ruined my bag. I immediately got home and took pictures and also my boyfriend was present as I discovered this on the way…

Hi there,

I work in an office in the UK, a smallish one. We are told to put our bags and coats in the cloakroom.

A few months ago, someone put someone elses phone in my bag and I didn't realise until six or seven days later when I reported this and handed the phone in. I reported this to HR but it was swept under the rug and a message was sent out asking for people not to go into anyone's else's bag.

Fast forward to today. I find out after leaving work that not only has someone stolen my house keys but that someone has also put a sandwich from work (we get platters of sandwiches on Mondays delivered) in my bag and it has ruined my bag.

I immediately got home and took pictures and also my boyfriend was present as I discovered this on the way home.

I got home and reported this to HR immediately (HR is only one person in our company). And said this is work place bullying and I wish for cctv to be checked and for this to be taken seriously and investigated igated unlike the phone incident. There is CCTV in the canteen which leads directly to the cloakroom however I am unsure if there is CCTV in the cloakroom.

Is there anything further that I can do? What obligation do HR have? I already know who it is to an extent since this is the only person who dislikes me and who acts childish and goes out of their way to inconvenience others. Should I report this to the police? Thank you for any advice

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