
Workplace Confessions

Was bored at work the other day and got chatting to one of my colleagues admitted that for the last few months they've been slowly stealing random office supplies from the stockroom cupboard and taking them home. Really random things like soap, toilet roll, cutlery, staplers. Turns out he's been stock pilling out of pettiness because one of the managers gave him a verbal warning for 'using too much kitchen roll'? Got me thinking, what's the juiciest most outrageous workplace confession/crime you've committed? Within reason obviously, but have you done anything similar?

Was bored at work the other day and got chatting to one of my colleagues admitted that for the last few months they've been slowly stealing random office supplies from the stockroom cupboard and taking them home. Really random things like soap, toilet roll, cutlery, staplers. Turns out he's been stock pilling out of pettiness because one of the managers gave him a verbal warning for 'using too much kitchen roll'?

Got me thinking, what's the juiciest most outrageous workplace confession/crime you've committed? Within reason obviously, but have you done anything similar?

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