
Workplace harassment legal aid?

Hey friends, so my girlfriend is putting her 2 weeks notice in today for her job. Her manager is verbally abusive, and my girlfriend has recordings of this. We are expecting a sizeable increase in the verbal and psychological abuse tomorrow after they get her resignation notice. Are there lawyers we can consult to help remove this woman and make the company known? We have considered local news, but she doesn’t want to do it now because they’ll know who blew the whistle and she doesn’t want further blowback of course. Thankfully she’s used up all sick and PTO so the company can’t screw her out of that. I just don’t know what to do – my girlfriend comes home crying every day because of the way management treats her. It’s bullshit. And they need to pay and face consequences, but I want to do it right if we have…

Hey friends, so my girlfriend is putting her 2 weeks notice in today for her job. Her manager is verbally abusive, and my girlfriend has recordings of this. We are expecting a sizeable increase in the verbal and psychological abuse tomorrow after they get her resignation notice.

Are there lawyers we can consult to help remove this woman and make the company known? We have considered local news, but she doesn’t want to do it now because they’ll know who blew the whistle and she doesn’t want further blowback of course.

Thankfully she’s used up all sick and PTO so the company can’t screw her out of that.

I just don’t know what to do – my girlfriend comes home crying every day because of the way management treats her. It’s bullshit. And they need to pay and face consequences, but I want to do it right if we have any grounds.

Follow up question – in the past when people quit, they don’t let them finish the 2 weeks. If this occurs, my gf has grounds to file for unemployment right? NYS here. I’ve looked and I can’t seem to make heads or tails of a determination there.

Thanks for listening ️

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