
Workplace- head injury

I work at a food distribution facility. Pallets were stacked up on their sides (vertical) and strapped to the wall of the trailer.. i've been told that they were not supposed to be this way as it's a potential hazzard. I have notified my boss several times about it, he said there was going to be a meeting about it. Meeting happens, I wasn't told the outcome other than it was brought up. I hopped that they would stop being stacked that way.. that didn't happen. Stopped notifying my boss as nothing seemed was going to be done about it. That was about 2 months ago Then today one fell off as my body was turned since I was stacking them. At the time of the pallet falling, the stack I had made was small (maybe 3 pallets.) A pallet fell and hit the right side of my head. Fell…

I work at a food distribution facility.
Pallets were stacked up on their sides (vertical) and strapped to the wall of the trailer.. i've been told that they were not supposed to be this way as it's a potential hazzard. I have notified my boss several times about it, he said there was going to be a meeting about it.

Meeting happens, I wasn't told the outcome other than it was brought up. I hopped that they would stop being stacked that way.. that didn't happen. Stopped notifying my boss as nothing seemed was going to be done about it.

That was about 2 months ago

Then today one fell off as my body was turned since I was stacking them. At the time of the pallet falling, the stack I had made was small (maybe 3 pallets.) A pallet fell and hit the right side of my head. Fell maybe 4 feet before hitting me

I called my boss 19 times after it happened so I could file a work comp injury, he didn't answer. Then when he finally called back hours later…

Going off of my description of what happened.. He tried making out to be my fault without seeing what happened and pretty much ignoring what i said.. He told me pallets were supposed to be “baby stacks.” I responded with “this wasn't even a stack, it was so small it was a fetus at best.”

There's cameras that can see partially inside the trailer and lights to turn on so you can see.
This one loading areas light has not worked for a few weeks (bulb isn't burned out, the 'reset-off' switch doesnt even kick on.) What can I do to make sure that they don't get out of it? to me at this point, it's workplace negligence.

I called my doctor in-between trying to call my boss and he said I should be okay, heads just going to be sore and a little rattled.. I also had my wife pick me up should something happen, I didn't want it to be while I was driving.

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