
Worried I may lose my job due to reporting supervisor.

So I’ve started this warehouse job about 3 weeks ago at an unarmed delivery service and the job for the most part has been steady and stellar however within my first 3 days this supervisor has pulled me to the side to ask me to review my performance due to me being too slow for them to which I responded with informing them that I couldn’t gauge how well I had been doing due to me not being there. Cut to 9/16 (last Saturday)I was at 1 out of the numerous stations I’ve worked at when my supervisor had asked me was I okay because I was moving to slow after I responded that I was fine they then proceeded to head to my area to chastise me in front of several coworkers and kept raising their voice for me to look at them and how they were able to…

So I’ve started this warehouse job about 3 weeks ago at an unarmed delivery service and the job for the most part has been steady and stellar however within my first 3 days this supervisor has pulled me to the side to ask me to review my performance due to me being too slow for them to which I responded with informing them that I couldn’t gauge how well I had been doing due to me not being there.

Cut to 9/16 (last Saturday)I was at 1 out of the numerous stations I’ve worked at when my supervisor had asked me was I okay because I was moving to slow after I responded that I was fine they then proceeded to head to my area to chastise me in front of several coworkers and kept raising their voice for me to look at them and how they were able to do the job faster than I was able what was more disheartening was when I had tried to help my supervisor with the task they had proceeded to repeat (rather loudly) to put the bag down and continue to watch them

Cut to today around 4:15am another supervisor let’s call them s#2 had asked me to follow them after our morning stretch routine was finished and when we arrived towards the front I was told I can go home(excused for the day) I had clocked out and then proceeded to ask why considering I was 20 minutes early and was met with a response saying considering there’s not enough packages they only need people who’ll do the work FAST and correct mind you s#2 was referring to the one station that I had received the complaint on shortly after this a fellow coworker had asked me how I was doing to which I then informed them that I was being sent home, to which they then repeated to s#1 and that was met with laughter (from s#1)

Unfortunately the supervisor I have a decent rapport was unavailable at the time of the incident so I decided to contact some form of HR to report the grievance after filing the report I’ve really at a loss of what my next steps should be and am partially worried I may lose my job.

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