
Worried I’ll never be able to afford living on my own

I'm 20 and make $16.50 an hour, get about 5 hours a day. I work 6:00am (I have to get up at 4:30am) to 9:40am, get a break inbetween then come back from 2:10pm-4:40pm. I'm desperately been trying to get a different job, I've applied to over 20 places with little to no result. I was working 3 jobs at one point but got laid off one (the CEO decided multi department employees were no longer allowed after some drama about it, because i was still technically employed by them unemployment wasnt an option) and had to leave the other one (meant to leave TEMPORARILY for the rest of the month but manager basically said no you're done) because i was becoming suicidal from overworking. I'm disabled so standing and walking for long periods of time gives me severe pain. That knocks out jobs like food service, janitorial (contamination ocd…

I'm 20 and make $16.50 an hour, get about 5 hours a day. I work 6:00am (I have to get up at 4:30am) to 9:40am, get a break inbetween then come back from 2:10pm-4:40pm. I'm desperately been trying to get a different job, I've applied to over 20 places with little to no result. I was working 3 jobs at one point but got laid off one (the CEO decided multi department employees were no longer allowed after some drama about it, because i was still technically employed by them unemployment wasnt an option) and had to leave the other one (meant to leave TEMPORARILY for the rest of the month but manager basically said no you're done) because i was becoming suicidal from overworking.

I'm disabled so standing and walking for long periods of time gives me severe pain. That knocks out jobs like food service, janitorial (contamination ocd is a problem with that as well) etc. You're supposed to legally get accommodations for things like that, but most places see “needs accommodations” and either does not care or won't hire you.

I'm living with an abusive parent and I don't make shit to be able to live on my own. I have $700 to my name right now. I can barely afford my co-pays for medication, doctors visits, I can't go to the ER, gas, food etc. I'm lucky to be under my moms insurance but even then it's terrible and expensive. I fucking hate slaving to capitalism

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