
Worst Boss Ever…

A long while ago I worked for a terrible racist, bigot. One day, in casual convo he dropped the N bomb fluidly. Gross. The biggest offense was when I walked into his office and he was working away, leafing through a file on his desk. When I rounded the corner of his desk, on his computer screen was a VERY closeup pic of a vagina with a ladies long nailed hands pulling red panties out, that were stuffed inside. I recoiled and he held up his paperwork to the screen and jokingly said, “oh don’t look at that hahahahha” I went to HR. Although they couldn’t trace anything because it was sent to his yahoo mail and was an imbedded image. He ended up getting fired not long after due to other reasons. I’d like to think that my alerting HR brought him into the spotlight.

A long while ago I worked for a terrible racist, bigot. One day, in casual convo he dropped the N bomb fluidly. Gross. The biggest offense was when I walked into his office and he was working away, leafing through a file on his desk. When I rounded the corner of his desk, on his computer screen was a VERY closeup pic of a vagina with a ladies long nailed hands pulling red panties out, that were stuffed inside. I recoiled and he held up his paperwork to the screen and jokingly said, “oh don’t look at that hahahahha”

I went to HR. Although they couldn’t trace anything because it was sent to his yahoo mail and was an imbedded image. He ended up getting fired not long after due to other reasons. I’d like to think that my alerting HR brought him into the spotlight.

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