
Would I be an idiot to quit?

I did 47 hours last week at my full-time job, and I'm rostered to do the same again this week. But I didn't tell them I kept my old casual job (because the hourly rate is better on weekends) and I also worked there for 8 hours on Saturday. Today I'm super burnt out. I can't even think. I haven't been sleeping because of the erratic hours. I desperately want to quit. Just impulsively book a flight to Asia and not come back… I don't realistically have enough savings to do that but I've been dreaming about it. If I was gonna follow my impulse, with my credit card, I feasibly could. I still love my casual job, everyone is lovely there. They're so sweet to me, and even though it's still a gruelling line of work, I feel like I just have more fun in general when I'm there.…

I did 47 hours last week at my full-time job, and I'm rostered to do the same again this week. But I didn't tell them I kept my old casual job (because the hourly rate is better on weekends) and I also worked there for 8 hours on Saturday.

Today I'm super burnt out. I can't even think. I haven't been sleeping because of the erratic hours. I desperately want to quit. Just impulsively book a flight to Asia and not come back… I don't realistically have enough savings to do that but I've been dreaming about it. If I was gonna follow my impulse, with my credit card, I feasibly could.

I still love my casual job, everyone is lovely there. They're so sweet to me, and even though it's still a gruelling line of work, I feel like I just have more fun in general when I'm there. The staff are all closer to my own age and just get me as a person more. My boss said they'd love to have me back (they always have staffing issues).

At my full time job, I feel like no one understands anything I say. It's super strange. Like, they don't understand when I try to say things about work, or even just make jokes at lunch. I really don't feel like I belong there. (They also are having staffing issues but more because people are sick than people leaving)

Would I be crazy to quit my full time job qnd just increase my hours at the casual job??

I've been at the full time 5 months and the casual 13 months. I'm just worried in terms of references, because I eventually want to travel abroad and stay in this industry, and two years of experience is a visa requisite (I think, I could be completely wrong about that)

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