
Would texting the coworker who got me fired be bad?

I 21M was fired from my second job after working there for almost 3 years. I’ve had feelings of wanting to leave earlier because the work load employees get feels very gender based and conversations I’ve had with my manager about the subject but she just gave them excuses like “it’s because you’re such a good worker that they feel like they can depend on you for anything” and other BS. This is retail btw. I was always singled out among my coworkers to go help a customer or when I’m at register rather than my coworkers helping someone who just got into line, they would log out of the register and delegate them to me. This one girl would do it a lot and have this shit eating grin like she thought she was being cute or quirky when she did it to me as she would walk away.…

I 21M was fired from my second job after working there for almost 3 years. I’ve had feelings of wanting to leave earlier because the work load employees get feels very gender based and conversations I’ve had with my manager about the subject but she just gave them excuses like “it’s because you’re such a good worker that they feel like they can depend on you for anything” and other BS. This is retail btw. I was always singled out among my coworkers to go help a customer or when I’m at register rather than my coworkers helping someone who just got into line, they would log out of the register and delegate them to me. This one girl would do it a lot and have this shit eating grin like she thought she was being cute or quirky when she did it to me as she would walk away. So 2 weeks ago I’m heading to the front of the store, and 3 of my coworkers are behind the registers having idle conversation. Just before I say hi and join in, a customer gets into the line and none of the 3 move to call her over to check her out but they all look at each other. the girl who always gives me that shit eating grin says “oh (me) is here, he’ll take care of it”. One of the other 2 girls she was talking to offers to help the customer instead but I told her no, as I was already heading up to the register as that was my position for that day. I look back to the previous girl and tell her “I’ll help this customer now, but I don’t appreciate you always delegating your work to me bitch” I mouthed the word bitch so no one could hear unless you were looking at me. She then walked away surprised- shortly after I was called to the back and told to go home. A week later I was fired.

TLDR; fired for calling a coworker a bitch. As the title says I just want to text her something petty like “thanks for getting me fired fatass” and wondered what would happen if I did like consequences after. Or maybe just wanted to vent here and not do anything and move past it. But it’s frustrating

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