
Would you consider your supervisor saying “you wanna do it that way? Alright.” a threat?

Sorry, this is long. My subordinate, who is my supervisor's personal friend, has been creating a hostile work environment. I've never had an issue with anyone and have nothing but positive feedback about how pleasant I am to be around on my reviews. Hers (according to her) usually say she needs to be nicer. She started a fight with me last night over the use of our shared locker room, completely unprovoked. I've been disengaging with her lately just to avoid giving her opportunities to be shitty to me. She likes to start shit then run to my supervisor about whatever I supposedly did. So of course, she did that last night. I called my other supervisor to take me off the shift because I couldn't take it anymore, and he said he would start the process of moving me. Today, my day off, supervisor 1 calls me twice and…

Sorry, this is long. My subordinate, who is my supervisor's personal friend, has been creating a hostile work environment. I've never had an issue with anyone and have nothing but positive feedback about how pleasant I am to be around on my reviews. Hers (according to her) usually say she needs to be nicer. She started a fight with me last night over the use of our shared locker room, completely unprovoked. I've been disengaging with her lately just to avoid giving her opportunities to be shitty to me. She likes to start shit then run to my supervisor about whatever I supposedly did.

So of course, she did that last night. I called my other supervisor to take me off the shift because I couldn't take it anymore, and he said he would start the process of moving me. Today, my day off, supervisor 1 calls me twice and leaves voicemail asking me to call him. I ignore him because I don't want to deal with his shit tonight. I asked supervisor 2 if he talked to supervisor 1 about the incident, because he keeps calling me, asking me to call him, but won't say what for. I end up talking to supervisor 2 for a while, he's a good person and I trust him…I tell him everything and says he thinks supervisor 1 needs to hear this feedback, and he agrees with what I'm saying. And that supervisor 1 is calling to try to set up a meeting between the three of us tomorrow. So I text supervisor 1 and tell him when I'll be there in the morning. He says he would have preferred that I call him, and that he called me twice, then calls me 3 more times, and I answer on the last one and put it on speaker next to my husband. I answer by saying his name, because I'm fed up with him repeatedly calling me, it's getting ridiculous. He says he was going to leave me another voicemail and starts in on how he's been respectful and that my “attitude” is unwarranted. I told him I'll talk to him in the morning. I don't want to do this tonight, it's been a stressful week and I'm trying to relax and enjoy my evening. I reiterate that I'll talk to him in the morning. He pauses, then says you wanna do it that way? Alright. And I hang up.

I think he was trying to get in my head, gaslight me, and make me doubt myself before the sit-down tomorrow, which is what he's done to me for the past 3 months. I called off the talk after that phone call though, because it made me so uncomfortable. This shit is crazy-making. I loved this job, and everything has gone to shit so quickly. I hope this all makes sense.

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