
Would you quit my job?

I’ve (22F) been debating quitting my job but the benefits are decent, I’m not sure if the grass is greener anywhere else. I’m a bartender (with no degree) averaging $1-2k/week working 40-60hrs. But my body aches from how physically/mentally tiring it is I’m too exhausted to get out of bed outside of work. It’s the best paying job I can find at my experience/age but I feel depressed to enjoy the money I make. Even on vacation I get multiple texts a day to promote/train/questions. When I get home I’m bombarded about work and dread going in days before I go back. Pros: – paid hourly (most bars here pay under table) – I like all of my coworkers, no drama – flexible schedule, can call off any day with 2+week notice – consistent good pay. I have a $2k week every month – I love bartending Cons: – not…

I’ve (22F) been debating quitting my job but the benefits are decent, I’m not sure if the grass is greener anywhere else. I’m a bartender (with no degree) averaging $1-2k/week working 40-60hrs. But my body aches from how physically/mentally tiring it is I’m too exhausted to get out of bed outside of work. It’s the best paying job I can find at my experience/age but I feel depressed to enjoy the money I make. Even on vacation I get multiple texts a day to promote/train/questions.
When I get home I’m bombarded about work and dread going in days before I go back.

– paid hourly (most bars here pay under table)
– I like all of my coworkers, no drama
– flexible schedule, can call off any day with 2+week notice
– consistent good pay. I have a $2k week every month
– I love bartending

– not allowed to stand still. Must always walk regardless of how busy
– irregular schedule. never know when I work until a few days before
– understaffed. Usually doubling and being begged to stay longer last minute (sometimes my request offs aren’t honored)
– sometimes too busy to break. I’ll be moving for 12hrs straight unless I go to the bathroom
– workplace injuries. Many have gone to hospital from glass cuts

Ways I’m micromanaged:
(Also ways people have been fired)
– promoting 2+ times a week
– must always have makeup/hair done
– maintaining image in public (nothing that can damage company reputation)
– cannot be seen with a cell phone
– no talking to coworkers unless physically doing work

Most people that apply don’t get hired. The ones that get interviews don’t pass the training exam or quit in a few weeks because of the pressure. I should feel blessed to be averaging $80k/yr but it doesn’t even feel worth it anymore. The stress & volume of work is slowly killing me but I’m afraid of never finding a bat that pays as well where I live.

TLDR: I make good money but it’s making me miserable. I’m afraid I can’t find anywhere better.

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