
Would You/Should You admit to the boss that your performance is substandard?

After 19 years of success at my current employer a new boss came in and now my work products and customer service has moved from great to awful. One of the things he does not like about me as an employee is I will never admit that my work is bad. I am convinced he is just playing games and my work is still good. I can't quit because I have to hold out for 11 more months to get my full vested pension, so I can retire in late 2024. My boss tells me nearly every day that he would give me a break if I would just look him in the eye and admit I am a fuckup and work on a plan to turn my work around. I ask for specific details and he gives me lies and generalities. When I repeat to him my belief that…

After 19 years of success at my current employer a new boss came in and now my work products and customer service has moved from great to awful. One of the things he does not like about me as an employee is I will never admit that my work is bad. I am convinced he is just playing games and my work is still good.

  • I can't quit because I have to hold out for 11 more months to get my full vested pension, so I can retire in late 2024.

My boss tells me nearly every day that he would give me a break if I would just look him in the eye and admit I am a fuckup and work on a plan to turn my work around. I ask for specific details and he gives me lies and generalities. When I repeat to him my belief that I am a good worker, with strong customer service and technical skills he gets angry and storms off.

If you were convinced you were a good employee but the boss demanded you admit that you were terrible, would you consider telling the boss he was right just to get him off your back?

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