
Written up for being sick?

Im being written up for being sick 9 days in the past month. It was 3 and 4 days consecutively. I had a cold and a chest infection and couldn’t speak at all. My manager also advised me not to come in in cause we can’t risk getting the pregnant lady sick. I had a performance review meeting today with HR and my VP. I was told that being sick for 9 days is unnaceptable and that i’m being written up. Is this normal?

Im being written up for being sick 9 days in the past month. It was 3 and 4 days consecutively. I had a cold and a chest infection and couldn’t speak at all. My manager also advised me not to come in in cause we can’t risk getting the pregnant lady sick.

I had a performance review meeting today with HR and my VP. I was told that being sick for 9 days is unnaceptable and that i’m being written up. Is this normal?

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