
written up for not working fast enough when i have a fractured wrist

context: broke my wrist a month ago (on their property too due to slipping on ice) and still recovering slowly. i work at an undisclosed fast food chain and constantly get lectured for not bringing the drive thru times down. on tuesday my manager wrote me up for not prioritizing the ‘SOS’ “speed of service” and i swear to god i’m close to walking out. i’m in a splint now after being in a cast for nearly two months and don’t want to use my hand much yet so i’m literally making due with one arm. when i told my manager this and that i’m trying she compared me to a past employee they had that worked with one arm due to a car accident and was faster than me. im so angry. why not put one of my other coworkers on the drive thru??? i feel like i’m being…

context: broke my wrist a month ago (on their property too due to slipping on ice) and still recovering slowly. i work at an undisclosed fast food chain and constantly get lectured for not bringing the drive thru times down. on tuesday my manager wrote me up for not prioritizing the ‘SOS’ “speed of service” and i swear to god i’m close to walking out. i’m in a splint now after being in a cast for nearly two months and don’t want to use my hand much yet so i’m literally making due with one arm. when i told my manager this and that i’m trying she compared me to a past employee they had that worked with one arm due to a car accident and was faster than me. im so angry. why not put one of my other coworkers on the drive thru??? i feel like i’m being targeted or theyre TRYING to fire me or some shit. just wanted to rant.

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