
Written up over a whole ass minute

Came in half an hour early today just to get written up for being 17 minutes late yesterday. It wasn't just the fact I was late, but because I texted my co-worker that I was running late 1 minute after my start time. I should notify at least a half an hour before my start time if I'm going to be late. Even though it only takes me 10 minutes to get to work so I wouldn't reasonably assume I'd be late until at least 15 minutes prior to my start time. Also, I'm unwillingly unionized, even though my position has nothing to do with the overwhelming majority of those that are in the union. It got folded in when the position became vacant prior to my hiring. I got the “everyone has to be treated the same” and “if you do it, everyone else will start doing it” lecture.…

Came in half an hour early today just to get written up for being 17 minutes late yesterday. It wasn't just the fact I was late, but because I texted my co-worker that I was running late 1 minute after my start time.

I should notify at least a half an hour before my start time if I'm going to be late. Even though it only takes me 10 minutes to get to work so I wouldn't reasonably assume I'd be late until at least 15 minutes prior to my start time.

Also, I'm unwillingly unionized, even though my position has nothing to do with the overwhelming majority of those that are in the union. It got folded in when the position became vacant prior to my hiring.

I got the “everyone has to be treated the same” and “if you do it, everyone else will start doing it” lecture.

I'm a grown ass adult pushing 40 and somehow found myself at a daycare instead of a job.

This isn't some bunk retail place, either. We're a government entity. Felt like a damn toddler playing in traffic.

I admit, I was totally late. Regardless of my excuse, the crime was committed and I own it. Just the idea that, regardless of intent, and lack of historical evidence of a pattern, this was their first reaction.

Oh, and, to add some zest to this, the person that issued this write-up was newly-promoted.

It's irritating that the administrative staff can come and go as they please, because salaried, but I exist in some half-assed limbo between administrative and union.

I'm trying to get a pay bump and my director has it approved, has it budgeted, the board has the budget approved, executives have it approved, bit it's been delayed for nearly a year because “union contracts”.

This is my first time being in a union and I've always been in support if unions, but MY GOD every time I turn around its some union bullshit that is fucking me.

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