
Written Warning.

I got my first write up two wees ago b/c I accidentally worked over 5 hours before taking my lunch (California Law, don't know how it is elsewhere), first time It ever happened cause I was just busier than intended and I got a written warning tell me the next time It happened I'd receive 'severe disciplinary action' upwards of termination. I've working at this place two and a half years now and they really put me on the spot over this one mistake, at least the manager who had conducted It as he's fairly 'new' (has been there for about a month) am I just taking it too personally or can I give some push back on this as I don't want this on my record with this company? Unfortunately I already signed the Notice so It's probably too late to do anything about it but I just want…

I got my first write up two wees ago b/c I accidentally worked over 5 hours before taking my lunch (California Law, don't know how it is elsewhere), first time It ever happened cause I was just busier than intended and I got a written warning tell me the next time It happened I'd receive 'severe disciplinary action' upwards of termination. I've working at this place two and a half years now and they really put me on the spot over this one mistake, at least the manager who had conducted It as he's fairly 'new' (has been there for about a month) am I just taking it too personally or can I give some push back on this as I don't want this on my record with this company?

Unfortunately I already signed the Notice so It's probably too late to do anything about it but I just want some input in case It happens again in the future, which It won't.

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