
Wrote letter to HR. Help!

Just started a new job a month ago and already had to write a letter to HR about my supervisor. TLDR; supervisor said I would be let go if he was late to personal matter. Talked to supervisor and HR and it solved nothing. Wrote letter to HR. Not sure how this works. Here are the details: After two weeks of starting my job moving my whole family extremely far, I had my supervisor ask to speak to me privately. I was informed about concerns regarding my performance. During this meeting, several statements were made that caused me significant distress and concern. These statements included threats of termination, advice to keep my head down, and comparisons to being a 'soldier'. These remarks, as well as the insinuation that my job security was tied to personal matters, stating if he was late to a personal matter I would be let go.…

Just started a new job a month ago and already had to write a letter to HR about my supervisor.

TLDR; supervisor said I would be let go if he was late to personal matter. Talked to supervisor and HR and it solved nothing. Wrote letter to HR. Not sure how this works.

Here are the details:

After two weeks of starting my job moving my whole family extremely far, I had my supervisor ask to speak to me privately. I was informed about concerns regarding my performance. During this meeting, several statements were made that caused me significant distress and concern. These statements included threats of termination, advice to keep my head down, and comparisons to being a 'soldier'. These remarks, as well as the insinuation that my job security was tied to personal matters, stating if he was late to a personal matter I would be let go.

I then contacted his supervisor and informed him of this and that I almost quit since I do not accept threats. He set up a meeting 10 days later with HR and my supervisor.

The meeting went terrible. The supervisor stated he did nothing wrong and wasn’t going to apologize, all while admitting he did it. Instead of admitting he was wrong and apologizing, he decided to try to put the blame back on me. “How dare you contact my boss, he has better things to do. Obviously, I need to watch what I say so I don’t hurt “me” feelings.” HR and his supervisor all just stood there and said nothing.

I then contact his supervisor after the meeting because they didn’t think the meeting went anywhere. His supervisor said, “maybe the company isn’t the best place for you.”

So, I wrote a letter to HR and delivered it in person, all while documenting everything.

Any advice or comments is encouraged.

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