
WTF “Don’t ask questions”

I'm sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for my ride. Two older white ladies are the receptionist chatting. Both of them seemed nice with major grandma vibes when checking me out. I can sort of hear them but I'm not really paying attention. One lady says “if you're 25 minutes early in my book your late.” Okay, typical boomer logic… But then she goes on to say if you're asked to do something you just do it. ” Don't ask questions.” She goes on to tell a story about being a receptionist or nurse in a primary care center. And one day the city sent convicts out to clean the grounds around the primary care center without having a guard assigned to them. So her boss ask her to take 9mm and go out and guard them. “Yes boss.” she says. WTF!? “Don't ask questions” she says again and her…

I'm sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for my ride. Two older white ladies are the receptionist chatting. Both of them seemed nice with major grandma vibes when checking me out.

I can sort of hear them but I'm not really paying attention. One lady says “if you're 25 minutes early in my book your late.” Okay, typical boomer logic… But then she goes on to say if you're asked to do something you just do it. ” Don't ask questions.”

She goes on to tell a story about being a receptionist or nurse in a primary care center. And one day the city sent convicts out to clean the grounds around the primary care center without having a guard assigned to them. So her boss ask her to take 9mm and go out and guard them. “Yes boss.” she says. WTF!? “Don't ask questions” she says again and her coworker is just nodding and voicing agreement. Seriously messed up.

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