
WTF Job Post on Indeed

I could have posted this in cybersecurity careers or system admin.. but I figured it was best here. I'm looking for an IT job and found something promising. Ok.. there was no salary posted… giant red flag already I know… but the facility being just blocks away form my house.. and my resume and cover ready to go already.. I figured “I'll bite. The original posting on indeed straight up asked for only an A+ cert.. like the very first one an IT person would get.. like helpdesk 0.5 I have alot more certs.. but no actual “job” expreience so i jeed something to het my feet wet or so ive been told.. The job description jived with what one would know with the A+ and there was a button to quick apply.. wow great right.. I mean u might actually have a chance at this one right.. I have…

I could have posted this in cybersecurity careers or system admin.. but I figured it was best here.

I'm looking for an IT job and found something promising. Ok.. there was no salary posted… giant red flag already I know… but the facility being just blocks away form my house.. and my resume and cover ready to go already.. I figured “I'll bite.

The original posting on indeed straight up asked for only an A+ cert.. like the very first one an IT person would get.. like helpdesk 0.5

I have alot more certs.. but no actual “job” expreience so i jeed something to het my feet wet or so ive been told..

The job description jived with what one would know with the A+ and there was a button to quick apply.. wow great right.. I mean u might actually have a chance at this one right.. I have more certs than what they are asking.. but slighly less experience.. it could balance. I'm optimistic.

Then.. on the very next click.. hold on.. whats this? “Please go to our website to complete your application”
Ok.. maybe it's just the veteran or disability questioners.. no p. right?

Suddenly there's 64 questions on Cisco. Do you have the following Cisco many do you have, how many years have you had them, how many years experience do you have working on Cisco.. more than hinting that if you don't have any of them.. which someone with just an A+ proabanly wouldnt.. then you should just stop right there.

Um.. what.. your original post asked for an A+.. which is 90% computer effing hardware.. Cisco makes Networking Hardware.. which is the Network+ cert.. or CCNA if you want to be Cisco specific which apparently you do. What the F happened to just the A+ requirement. now with NO SALARY POSTED.. and a MOVING GOAL POST of requirements the employer wants out of a candidate.. I click through the 64 questions about Cisco.. because college may not have landed me a good job.. but it did teach me to read a little bit faster than just high-school… a little.. all in about 5 minutes and hit submit.

I wipe the faux sweat from my brow.. and well gee I wish their ad was better.. or that they jadnt wasted those last five minutes of mine..

A second later an email comes in from the Jon I just applied for.
“In order to process you application please take this test to validate your skills it should take 44 minites.”

Suddenly I'm pissed. I swear at the computer. You havnt even pulled my resume yet and you want me to take 45 minutes of my life to take a test for a job where the salary isn't even posted and where the requirementarent even clear..?


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