
Y’all have it worse but I just wanna rant real quick

I (17nb) went to the emergency room Sunday. I had to get a lumbar puncture, so I had to call out for my Monday and Tuesday shifts. I’m an opener (cause I’m in college), and we barely have any of those so the lobby had to be closed until the afternoon when the high schoolers came from getting out. Everyone had to order through the drive thru. My manager is so nice to me about all this stuff and he told me he hopes I get better and he’ll let me know if there are any shifts towards the mid/end of the week I could take to make up the difference in my pay. Someone called out Wednesday and he offered me a shift, so I took it. I go in that day and my coworker (~60F) is being short with me. Usually she’s bossing me around or arguing with…

I (17nb) went to the emergency room Sunday. I had to get a lumbar puncture, so I had to call out for my Monday and Tuesday shifts. I’m an opener (cause I’m in college), and we barely have any of those so the lobby had to be closed until the afternoon when the high schoolers came from getting out. Everyone had to order through the drive thru.

My manager is so nice to me about all this stuff and he told me he hopes I get better and he’ll let me know if there are any shifts towards the mid/end of the week I could take to make up the difference in my pay. Someone called out Wednesday and he offered me a shift, so I took it.

I go in that day and my coworker (~60F) is being short with me. Usually she’s bossing me around or arguing with me, so I’m kinda happy she’s leaving me alone. I’m also working with my manager that day, so that might explain why she’s chilled out. I was put on drive thru and the lobby was open this time so everything was going smooth.

I mentioned to my manager about the lumbar puncture and how the operation caused me to have a nerve flare up in my spine so he might catch me “sitting” with my back against the wall when there’s no customers to help so I can calm it down a bit. He told me that was fine and if he needed me to do anything other than what I was assigned he’d let me know.

Whenever my coworker and I were alone in the front, she used that time to shit on me for calling out. Complained about my generation to my face, called us lazy, claimed we don’t wanna work (even tho I came in on a day I wasn’t scheduled to help her annoying ass) and always complain that we don’t have any money. How she finds it amazing that we ask for raises and yet sit on our asses and do nothing. I didn’t do anything to stop her because my manager heard her saying these things and told her to knock it off.

She left and then the rest of the day was smooth with my manager until it was time for us both to clock out. My coworker worked a 7 hour shift, and I did a 9.5 to make up for call outs. She works less than me and has the audacity to tell me I’m a lazy no good kid. She’s entitled to her opinion, but it was making me upset. For context, we have the same role. She is not a supervisor or manager.

Then we work together the next day. She spent the day arguing with me for things that are her fault. For example, she told me off for “letting” people in the lobby to use the bathroom when the door was unlocked because SHE just HAD to go outside. She wasn’t on break, she just does that. Goes outside in the middle of her shift to do god knows what. Later, she proceeds to take a picture of me “sitting” to send to my manager complaining that she’s “doing all the work” and I’m doing nothing. The lobby is closed, and it’s just me on drive thru. Whenever someone comes through to order I immediately get up, make the order, and check them out. She doesn’t really help me often despite having a headset.

My manager doesn’t care though. He told me to keep doing what I’m doing and take care of myself. I just wanted to rant about her and see if you guys had any ideas on how to handle her attitude. I’m not the only one who has a problem with her, but she’s been working at this location longer than the manager himself so she’s not leaving until she decides to retire.

I’m leaving in a few months for school, but we work together almost every shift and she’s driving me nuts. Her taking a photo of me was that last straw for me. I know it’s not a big deal, this job is just a job, but I feel violated.

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