
“Yeah but those jobs are for students and teens anyway”

Can this myth just die a fiery fuckin death already?!! I'm in my late twenties. I can't recall a single time in living memory I've walked into a fast food joint or cafe and seen the place completely staffed by teens working their “starter jobs”, barring the times “completely staffed” meant frazzled skeleton crew of 1. Leaving aside the fact that's it's a terrible justification for bullshit wages anyway, it's also a complete fucking lie. How many more decades do we have to spend fighting over an ever shrinking pool of shit jobs with shit pay until people get it through their heads that this hasn't been true for years? I'm gonna walk into the A&W near my place and congratulate the miserable 57 year old manning the till on his amazing starter job. Yeah he's on fucking food stamps despite working in an establishment that literally sells food, but…

Can this myth just die a fiery fuckin death already?!! I'm in my late twenties. I can't recall a single time in living memory I've walked into a fast food joint or cafe and seen the place completely staffed by teens working their “starter jobs”, barring the times “completely staffed” meant frazzled skeleton crew of 1. Leaving aside the fact that's it's a terrible justification for bullshit wages anyway, it's also a complete fucking lie. How many more decades do we have to spend fighting over an ever shrinking pool of shit jobs with shit pay until people get it through their heads that this hasn't been true for years? I'm gonna walk into the A&W near my place and congratulate the miserable 57 year old manning the till on his amazing starter job. Yeah he's on fucking food stamps despite working in an establishment that literally sells food, but I know he'll be so grateful when I remind him of all the character he's building by not being able to feed himself.

Fuck's sake.

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