
Yet another rejection letter

I've had the worst luck this year when it comes to employment, this economy sucks: My company was bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division over the next six months. I've applied to maybe 50 places and done 9-10 interviews. Applied online to a place in August and the job opening closed up. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they…

I've had the worst luck this year when it comes to employment, this economy sucks:

  • My company was bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division over the next six months. I've applied to maybe 50 places and done 9-10 interviews.
  • Applied online to a place in August and the job opening closed up. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they didn’t think that’d be a problem and just had to get the salary approved. But 10 days later I'm still waiting on their HR. I think it's gonna fall through.
  • Kept interviewing and went through a 2 rounds with another company, then this morning I wake up to this pleasant message from those guys:

Hello Chicken Dinner,

Thank you for your patience and time as we have gone through the hiring process for [the job]. I'm informing you today that we have decided to go in another direction with a different candidate who has accepted the role, so unfortunately, we will not be bringing you onto our team.

I want to make sure you know that we were incredibly impressed by you. Your analysis, smarts, and energy were invigorating for us and we enjoyed talking to you. However, this was a very competitive pool. We had 222 applicants, and only moved forward 13 candidates – so barely 6%

You know the economy's bad when you have 200+ people competing for 1 position. We're about where we were in 2008-9 and the media is covering it up. I'm thinking it might be time to just sell the house and move back in with family, because this job search is going nowhere. I actually no showed an interview today because I just don't give a shit anymore.

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