
Yet another shitty manager to add to the pile

So overall the managers at my workplace are pretty decent and understanding. Except for one, we’ll call him “B”. I have a number of issues with him, but the shit that he pulled today just really pissed me off. I was scheduled to train somebody. Not long into the shift I heard them coughing a fair bit so I asked if they were alright. They then admitted to me outright that they were sick. I already have a chronic respiratory issue and had no interest in training a sick person for the rest of the day so I went to B to explain the situation and express my discomfort. Him being him, B’s solution was to find someone else to train this person rather than just sending them home. Apparently the trainee saying they felt fine was enough for B (surprise, that’s not how communicable diseases work). He also tried…

So overall the managers at my workplace are pretty decent and understanding. Except for one, we’ll call him “B”. I have a number of issues with him, but the shit that he pulled today just really pissed me off.

I was scheduled to train somebody. Not long into the shift I heard them coughing a fair bit so I asked if they were alright. They then admitted to me outright that they were sick. I already have a chronic respiratory issue and had no interest in training a sick person for the rest of the day so I went to B to explain the situation and express my discomfort. Him being him, B’s solution was to find someone else to train this person rather than just sending them home. Apparently the trainee saying they felt fine was enough for B (surprise, that’s not how communicable diseases work). He also tried to justify this decision by saying he didn’t want to rob the trainee of their shifts and make them reschedule. I just truly cannot stand this man and I loathe the days when he is the manager.

Oh, and I talked to the person who trained this particular individual on their first day and they said the trainee had been coughing throughout their shift as well. Like yeah I know bosses generally don’t care about their employees but it doesn’t make it not frustrating when shit like this happens. And hey, maybe he really was fine to work. I have no way of knowing that. But B’s call just really rubbed me the wrong way. Then again, I don’t know what else I expected from him.

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