
You are not getting a pay rise, ever.

I've been working for a massive consultancy for 2 years. The plus side is they have put me in roles I'd have been unlikely to get access to otherwise. Love the work, good people on the client side. On the other hand, I got a pay rise of 2% after 2 years, far less than inflation, and no promotion despite being one of the better performing consultants. Client just cut most of its contract work, technically including me. But the project I was on considered me critical for its success and managed to find funding to continue my role. I had a good conversation with the boss about my prospects and that I wasn't concerned about having to look for a new job if the consultancy let me go because I'd likely end up earning more. Upshot, he talked to the consultancy and offered to pay more to make sure…

I've been working for a massive consultancy for 2 years. The plus side is they have put me in roles I'd have been unlikely to get access to otherwise. Love the work, good people on the client side.
On the other hand, I got a pay rise of 2% after 2 years, far less than inflation, and no promotion despite being one of the better performing consultants.

Client just cut most of its contract work, technically including me. But the project I was on considered me critical for its success and managed to find funding to continue my role. I had a good conversation with the boss about my prospects and that I wasn't concerned about having to look for a new job if the consultancy let me go because I'd likely end up earning more. Upshot, he talked to the consultancy and offered to pay more to make sure I stayed. (his assumption about how much I was being paid was 30% higher than reality. He figured I could double that)

Consultancy ignored him.

I had a direct conversation with my HR manager… They will not pay me more even if the client covers the cost. They will review my position, next year, maybe. They won't tell me what the employment scales are. What the pay scales are. Commercial confidential information apparently. I have been told if I leave they have a rule that I can never work for them again…

so… I guess I'm looking for a new job…

FWIW I know what they are earning off me. it's between 2 and 3 times what they pay for me. Which is a bit excessive, even for consulting.

The kicker was they thank me for informing them the client was willing to pay more and intend to ask for more…

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