
You are not ‘sticking it’ to your bosses when you quit. Let them fire you with out cause.

This is just my general opinion, I am no expert, but I see a lot of people on here quitting bad jobs right before they were about to get fired. I think this comes from TV when they use the lines like “your fired” “you cant fire me I quit” to show how motivated they are. IRL this is a bad idea. General if you get fired with out a good cause you get unemployment that they have to pay for. You might get cobra that they also pay for. Keep in mind, your next employer can contact them, but unless you sign a waver for a back round check(bad idea) they cant even comment on your performance. Even if you do, 9/10 times they dont bother. Sending over legal forms to fill and empty position to all your previous employers is to much bother for most people in HR.

This is just my general opinion, I am no expert, but I see a lot of people on here quitting bad jobs right before they were about to get fired.

I think this comes from TV when they use the lines like “your fired” “you cant fire me I quit” to show how motivated they are. IRL this is a bad idea. General if you get fired with out a good cause you get unemployment that they have to pay for. You might get cobra that they also pay for. Keep in mind, your next employer can contact them, but unless you sign a waver for a back round check(bad idea) they cant even comment on your performance. Even if you do, 9/10 times they dont bother. Sending over legal forms to fill and empty position to all your previous employers is to much bother for most people in HR.

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