
You are priceless.

I am 55 and its taken me this long to unlearn the way women are taught to value our labor. Men get socialized too, but in a slightly different way. Women are taught from an early age (as soon as we're old enough to talk) that our work should be given away out of love. Its a constant drumbeat. Take care of your siblings. Help your brother/sister with their homework. Take care of the home. Help with dinner. Hold the baby. Care for your husband. Girls are great multi-taskers. Girls are natural caregivers. Girls are great helpers in the classroom. Now, I'm not saying we should be paid for caring about people but all those messages are constant throughout our lives so that by the time we enter the workforce, we feel bad asking for compensation for our time and effort. A lot of women have a really hard time…

I am 55 and its taken me this long to unlearn the way women are taught to value our labor. Men get socialized too, but in a slightly different way.

Women are taught from an early age (as soon as we're old enough to talk) that our work should be given away out of love. Its a constant drumbeat. Take care of your siblings. Help your brother/sister with their homework. Take care of the home. Help with dinner. Hold the baby. Care for your husband. Girls are great multi-taskers. Girls are natural caregivers. Girls are great helpers in the classroom.

Now, I'm not saying we should be paid for caring about people but all those messages are constant throughout our lives so that by the time we enter the workforce, we feel bad asking for compensation for our time and effort. A lot of women have a really hard time negotiating their salary, asking for raises, or valuing the products we create.

It has taken my entire lifetime to this point to get this bullshit out of my head. My labor is priceless. My time is priceless. Once given away, I will never get it back. Is your company's “product” or “service” worth giving up a precious non-renewable resource? How much would you sell that resource for? How easily can they acquire what you're offering (i.e. your skills and time) from someone else? You are priceless.

Men, I think you're socialized slightly differently. You're taught to use up your bodies. That you can expose it to chemicals, radiation, toxins, environmental waste, sharp objects, enemies who want to kill you, and that if you don't want to do that, you're not masculine. You should be prepared to be used up and thrown away. What is the use of your body worth to you? It is a non-renewable resource. You are priceless.

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