
“You are wealthier than a medieval prince.” Excuse me?

So, okay, everyone has heard this particular old canard. “The average person today is richer than the royalty of the past all throughout history. Okay, well, then why is it that my wages don't actually buy anything that I actually need? Sure I can get greasy food, poisonous plastic toys that I don't want, and I can buy pesticide covered weed but I spend more than half my money on rent so that I can live with roommates in a molded out, rusted down, tiny little coffin near a busy intersection where I constantly hear sirens and gunshots. I stand absolutely zero chance of ever, ever, owning my own home and I cannot afford college which is exactly what I would need in order to ever possibly get a higher paying job and when I have medical problems (and I have medical problems) I can't afford that either. Are plastic…

So, okay, everyone has heard this particular old canard. “The average person today is richer than the royalty of the past all throughout history. Okay, well, then why is it that my wages don't actually buy anything that I actually need? Sure I can get greasy food, poisonous plastic toys that I don't want, and I can buy pesticide covered weed but I spend more than half my money on rent so that I can live with roommates in a molded out, rusted down, tiny little coffin near a busy intersection where I constantly hear sirens and gunshots. I stand absolutely zero chance of ever, ever, owning my own home and I cannot afford college which is exactly what I would need in order to ever possibly get a higher paying job and when I have medical problems (and I have medical problems) I can't afford that either. Are plastic bobbleheads something that makes me wealthier than a king? Someone explain this to me. Make it make sense.

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