
You are worth one scoop of icecream

My partner's department decided to throw them an ice cream social. Even put up a flier that said, “Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts.” They've been short 5 employees for at least 6 months now. Some people have been pulling 12 hours shifts 6 days a week. Filling in swing shift from day. There was literally no one on the help desk one day due to call outs. This company makes over a mil a day. It's so disgusting and disrespectful. But nobody wants to work anymore! /S

My partner's department decided to throw them an ice cream social. Even put up a flier that said, “Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts.” They've been short 5 employees for at least 6 months now. Some people have been pulling 12 hours shifts 6 days a week. Filling in swing shift from day. There was literally no one on the help desk one day due to call outs. This company makes over a mil a day. It's so disgusting and disrespectful. But nobody wants to work anymore! /S

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