
“You earn more PTO the longer you’re here, it’s definitely worth it!”

….My job starts you off with 24 hrs of PTO, or 3 eight hour shifts, for your first 3 years. Five years gets you five days, and so on, up to 25 years capping at 25 days. No sick time. You can still take unpaid time off, like you can request it and have it approved. But if it’s unpaid time off, you have to make the time up within the same calendar week, or else it counts against you as an attendance occurrence. Oh, and they’re paying us $12/hr. Don’t get me wrong, I like my job (call center) well enough. It’s fairly easy, low stress, and they let me work from home. I guess I would just like better benefits. There’s no reason to work this job, other than to avoid starving, which at such low pay, is a highly unrealistic expectation.

….My job starts you off with 24 hrs of PTO, or 3 eight hour shifts, for your first 3 years. Five years gets you five days, and so on, up to 25 years capping at 25 days. No sick time. You can still take unpaid time off, like you can request it and have it approved. But if it’s unpaid time off, you have to make the time up within the same calendar week, or else it counts against you as an attendance occurrence. Oh, and they’re paying us $12/hr.

Don’t get me wrong, I like my job (call center) well enough. It’s fairly easy, low stress, and they let me work from home. I guess I would just like better benefits. There’s no reason to work this job, other than to avoid starving, which at such low pay, is a highly unrealistic expectation.

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