
You ever wonder what you’re working towards?

This is more a question for those with shit-jobs like me – presumably most of us here – but do you ever wonder what you’re working towards when you go to your shitty job? I do when I go to mine. I’m an active communist (I help organize and do some mutual aid and all that) and I work a white collar job that is best illustrated as that depressed Mr. incredible in the cubicle meme. The unpaid work I do is vastly more enjoyable than the work that pays me a modest salary and benefits. I like the stability of my salary, and I am good at what I do (perhaps over qualified) and I just started in a new project today and realized that I merely tolerate my job most days. In general, I kind of hate it, and every other job I’ve had over the last 15…

This is more a question for those with shit-jobs like me – presumably most of us here – but do you ever wonder what you’re working towards when you go to your shitty job? I do when I go to mine.

I’m an active communist (I help organize and do some mutual aid and all that) and I work a white collar job that is best illustrated as that depressed Mr. incredible in the cubicle meme. The unpaid work I do is vastly more enjoyable than the work that pays me a modest salary and benefits.

I like the stability of my salary, and I am good at what I do (perhaps over qualified) and I just started in a new project today and realized that I merely tolerate my job most days. In general, I kind of hate it, and every other job I’ve had over the last 15 years of my life. The silver lining is I have money in a 401k I can deplete to put a down payment on a house soon if I don’t have a drastic life emergency again.

As I lamented my shit day job, I realized that once I have a house, I’ve got no life goals thereafter and will still be in indebted servitude until maybe the last decade of my life if I’m lucky.

I’m not really depressed… but fuck, am I angry. Y’all ever feel this way?

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