
“You should’ve left that for a customer, but whatever…”

I used to work at our local Subway, and I absolutely LOVED the job itself. Making the sandwiches, prepping the ingredients, conversing with the community for the brief exchanges we had, I just loved it. But I only lasted a year because of HER. We'll just call her Alex, which is close enough to her real name, without it actually being her name. This local Subway had been owned for over 20 years by a lovely lady I went to school with her daughter with, before she retired. When she retired, she just signed the store over to the hailing manager of maybe 6 years(?), Alex. I thought that I was just joining the midst of a mental funk of being new owner and all those responsibilities, but I guess she's always just going to be a C. Frankly, if she ever finds this post, I WANT her to know.…

I used to work at our local Subway, and I absolutely LOVED the job itself. Making the sandwiches, prepping the ingredients, conversing with the community for the brief exchanges we had, I just loved it. But I only lasted a year because of HER. We'll just call her Alex, which is close enough to her real name, without it actually being her name. This local Subway had been owned for over 20 years by a lovely lady I went to school with her daughter with, before she retired. When she retired, she just signed the store over to the hailing manager of maybe 6 years(?), Alex. I thought that I was just joining the midst of a mental funk of being new owner and all those responsibilities, but I guess she's always just going to be a C. Frankly, if she ever finds this post, I WANT her to know. She really does deserve the humbling, I have stories for days. If this is received well, I will GLADLY post more. I could use the venting. Here we go with my first one, NOT chronologically mind you:

In the last couple years Subway pulled the Flatbread from circulation, and I already knew that wouldn't last. They're back now people, and they should just stay. 🤷‍️ Anyway, when the announcement was made, we obviously couldn't order more. It was time for my lunch and as an employee, you're entitled to a complimentary 6-in meal for your break. The flatbreads are running out, I love flatbread, I'm thinking 'first-come, first-serve'. I make my 6-in flatbread, toast it, finish and wrap it, ALL with Alex nearby in my peripheral view. After I'm done making it, she comes over and whispers in my ear, “You should have left the flatbread for the customers, but whatever it's too late now.” She proceeds to just walk away and leave me without a chance to say much.

Fast forward to the end of that shift and I'm carpooling a coworker home. This coworker I'll refer to as Annie, and she was the ONLY reason I even lasted a year. She truly is an angel and tries to act like a Mom and Big Sister to everybody working there. Even Annie can't stand Alex and her attitude towards her employees. Did I mention that Alex is reaching 30 and Annie is maybe reaching her 50s? In my opinion, Annie should've taken the store, but she said she just didn't have that in her. Fair enough. Anyhow, I'm telling Annie what happened with the flatbreads and as I'm recounting her head is slowly turning to me in disgust. Why? Not because I took a flatbread for myself. Because, and I quote, “That's total bullsh*t, I just watched her walk out with a whole footlong for her boyfriend.”


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