
You want me to chill?

My mom's story from about 10 years ago. Cracked my cousin and I up so I thought I'd post it here. My mom (“Beth”) was in a meeting with her boss (“George”) and about ten other people. She was talking about something (a safety issue in one of their plants IIRC) and George wanted her to stop talking to he said, “Beth, chill.” My mom didn't particularly like being spoken to in that way, but she stopped talking. Later in the meeting, George wanted her to comment on something and she wasn't saying anything, so he said, “Beth, do you have anything to add on this?” And she said, “No, I'm chilling as directed, George.”

My mom's story from about 10 years ago. Cracked my cousin and I up so I thought I'd post it here.

My mom (“Beth”) was in a meeting with her boss (“George”) and about ten other people. She was talking about something (a safety issue in one of their plants IIRC) and George wanted her to stop talking to he said, “Beth, chill.” My mom didn't particularly like being spoken to in that way, but she stopped talking. Later in the meeting, George wanted her to comment on something and she wasn't saying anything, so he said, “Beth, do you have anything to add on this?” And she said, “No, I'm chilling as directed, George.”

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