
You want to put me on a Performance Improvement Plan because you want to blame me for property performance? fine, but i’m taking you with me.

About a month ago, my boss who has got in trouble for allowing applicants to get in with out verifying information, cussing at residents, numerous resident complaints, bad reviews, and among other things that corporate didn’t know about put a PIP on my desk, walked away and didn’t say anything to me or speak to me face to face about issues previously that I could of fixed. He framed me for not doing Items that was not expected of me or items he volunteered for so I would complete other task instead and just assumed with out communication this would be how we divided work, well I was wrong and he wanted me as his scapegoat as he knew his job was(?) not as bad at the time in jeopardy. oh boy.(he opened a can of worms since there so much i’ve been covering up for most of it for…

About a month ago, my boss who has got in trouble for allowing applicants to get in with out verifying information, cussing at residents, numerous resident complaints, bad reviews, and among other things that corporate didn’t know about put a PIP on my desk, walked away and didn’t say anything to me or speak to me face to face about issues previously that I could of fixed.

He framed me for not doing Items that was not expected of me or items he volunteered for so I would complete other task instead and just assumed with out communication this would be how we divided work, well I was wrong and he wanted me as his scapegoat as he knew his job was(?) not as bad at the time in jeopardy. oh boy.(he opened a can of worms since there so much i’ve been covering up for most of it for 1.5 years.)

I walked in this office and said:

“I just received this on my desk, about items that we never talked about”- Me

“oh yeah, well it is what it is?” – Boss

“so this is the way you want to go? throw me under the bus? well I hope you know for a a year and a half I have been covering your mistakes so I am dragging you down with me” – Me

Boss panics and calls his boss and runs outside

I proceeded to email his boss, his boss’s boss, with the PIP explaining how there was lies on it and how task that I wasnt aware of werent relayed to me and it isn’t fair how I am the only one with a PIP. after the email, corporate came knocking, auditing everything they could, they came in wrote him up, asked myself and coworkers advice and I told corporate about the stuff he stole, how he destroyed items on the property, the lies, the fraud he let in. Everything.

Fast forward to today, he was fired and they offered me his job.

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