
You’ll take it!

Retired delivery person here. I spent many years lugging others people precious purchases/possessions around and enjoyed my job for the most part. As with all jobs you run into silly people/situations from time to time. This involves me making a delivery of a document at an office. While having the receptionist sign for it. Another employee noticed me and said “oh good! You’re here! I’ve been waiting for you to pick up this package for a week. “ I didn’t have a pickup scheduled for them so I told her I was just there to make a delivery. She was instantly angry and demanded I take the package. I said okay let’s take a look. A good percentage of the time the label they have is for a different company so I can just tell them to contact that company. If it did have a valid shipping label for my…

Retired delivery person here. I spent many years lugging others people precious purchases/possessions around and enjoyed my job for the most part. As with all jobs you run into silly people/situations from time to time.

This involves me making a delivery of a document at an office. While having the receptionist sign for it. Another employee noticed me and said “oh good! You’re here! I’ve been waiting for you to pick up this package for a week. “ I didn’t have a pickup scheduled for them so I told her I was just there to make a delivery. She was instantly angry and demanded I take the package. I said okay let’s take a look. A good percentage of the time the label they have is for a different company so I can just tell them to contact that company. If it did have a valid shipping label for my company I would just take it. Well, this box had no label at all, nothing…..completely bare on all six sides. It wasn’t too big and weighed only about 30 lbs. I told her I couldn’t take it without a label. That’s when she blew a gasket. Started yelling that she was sick of waiting and my company was terrible blah blah blah. Then she said the magic words. “I don’t care what you do with it JUST TAKE IT!” So I did. I never looked inside. To this day I have no idea what it was. I do know that my next stop had an industrial trash compactor. It may have ended up in there.

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