
young workers, don’t be like me

I am a 57yo man and when I look back at my working years, I am filled with anger and incredible regret. I guess I should feel blessed that I've had steady employment, a decent income, insurance and a marketable skill. That said, I can't help but mourn my youth and all those years that I gave up just to have a roof over my head and food on the table. Yes, I had a mediocre vacation every 8-9 years a few modest homes, and one new car that I can recall, but I deeply regret not seeing Europe, hiking the Appalachian Trail, traveling widely, and enjoying life. Doing these things when you're older (as opposed to young and vibrant), is no comparison. All of those years…working jobs that I didn't want to work and spending time with people (coworkers) that I never want to spend time with….There's a message…

I am a 57yo man and when I look back at my working years, I am filled with anger and incredible regret. I guess I should feel blessed that I've had steady employment, a decent income, insurance and a marketable skill. That said, I can't help but mourn my youth and all those years that I gave up just to have a roof over my head and food on the table. Yes, I had a mediocre vacation every 8-9 years a few modest homes, and one new car that I can recall, but I deeply regret not seeing Europe, hiking the Appalachian Trail, traveling widely, and enjoying life. Doing these things when you're older (as opposed to young and vibrant), is no comparison. All of those years…working jobs that I didn't want to work and spending time with people (coworkers) that I never want to spend time with….There's a message there somewhere

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