
Your boss isn’t your friend

I put in my notice at work and my boss of three years, with whom I’ve gotten along swimmingly and have been their go-to employee all the while, has not spoken to me since. They left for vacation today and never said a word to me. My last day is next Wednesday. Said boss has also been telling people that my departure is shady and that I’m unprofessional for only giving a two week notice period. You know, the global professional standard? Just a friendly reminder that you are dead to a corporation once you’re no longer useful and that even if you take the high road and resign under the best possible conditions, they will burn the bridge even if you don’t.

I put in my notice at work and my boss of three years, with whom I’ve gotten along swimmingly and have been their go-to employee all the while, has not spoken to me since. They left for vacation today and never said a word to me. My last day is next Wednesday.

Said boss has also been telling people that my departure is shady and that I’m unprofessional for only giving a two week notice period. You know, the global professional standard?

Just a friendly reminder that you are dead to a corporation once you’re no longer useful and that even if you take the high road and resign under the best possible conditions, they will burn the bridge even if you don’t.

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