
Your thoughts on “mandatory fun” in the workplace?

For context, I’ve been self-employed for about a decade. So I’m a bit removed from modern workplace culture. When I did have regular jobs, they were for small companies that were pretty bare-bones. Both in compensation and culture lol. Anyway, I have a client in the HR services space and they just sent me briefs to write some articles about employee benefits and corporate culture. One of the briefs talked about fun team-building activities like a group spa day, going apple-picking, hitting up an escape room, etc. ADHD brain powered on and relentlessly thought about this stuff in the shower: With how often people get laid off these days, held in limbo just trying to get a damn job, etc. WTF is the point of these things? Even if you have mid-late 20th century job security, oh lord. On the one hand, it’d be nice to get paid a day…

For context, I’ve been self-employed for about a decade. So I’m a bit removed from modern workplace culture. When I did have regular jobs, they were for small companies that were pretty bare-bones. Both in compensation and culture lol.

Anyway, I have a client in the HR services space and they just sent me briefs to write some articles about employee benefits and corporate culture. One of the briefs talked about fun team-building activities like a group spa day, going apple-picking, hitting up an escape room, etc.

ADHD brain powered on and relentlessly thought about this stuff in the shower:

With how often people get laid off these days, held in limbo just trying to get a damn job, etc. WTF is the point of these things? Even if you have mid-late 20th century job security, oh lord.

On the one hand, it’d be nice to get paid a day to go to a murder mystery show and not have to pay to get in. On the other, that’s something fun I want to do with my friends who have zilch to do with my line of work. Not people who could shut my income off with an email.

One of the briefs wanted me to discuss one of my client’s partners, a company that sells craft kits designed for corporate team-building. So there’s definitely a cottage industry propping up “mandatory fun”. And I get that company team-building is probably decent income for small businesses like those escape rooms.

But let me get this straight: when a self-employed person says that we love the ability to go to a museum on its free day when kids are still in school, or able to fit in that half-off spa day special when it’s dead on a Monday, we’re lazy layabouts not contributing enough. But this attempt at adult daycare enrichment is so much better and worthier?

If I was just another marketing flac instead of independent, I wouldn’t want to do crafts with people who won’t even remember my name when we all get laid off. I want to do crafts on my own time, by myself or teaching my friends’ kids how to sew.

These things seem like a ploy to pay people less and possibly isolate them from their real loved ones. You know, your workplace family! Yeah, the freaking Manson Family. Just fucking pay people more and treat them with respect. And how on earth would I find a spa day relaxing if I’m surrounded by coworkers! No, that’s supposed to be a REFUGE from work!

Curious for your thoughts on this. does your workplace do this? Think there’s any benefit? Or is it just bullshit? Discuss!

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