
You’re being fired today

Just a different perspective. I work on contract. I'm paid well but my income is highly sporadic, fluctuates and is milestone based so its not uncommon to go 8 months without a check and then get one for 50-100k. This has been ongoing for 2023. The first check I received this year was on another project for $26k and I didn't get until late May… 5 months. The next check I received was 2 weeks ago, for approx $77,500. But I've been paid nothing since May. $0 and only $26k for 80% of the year. So one of the bookkeepers at our company (I know for a fact she's paid $22/hr), hands me the larger check and says something like “I think it's downright appalling you're getting checks like this while others are struggling to survive.” I just smiled and said have a nice weekend and walked out. One, I'm…

Just a different perspective. I work on contract. I'm paid well but my income is highly sporadic, fluctuates and is milestone based so its not uncommon to go 8 months without a check and then get one for 50-100k.

This has been ongoing for 2023. The first check I received this year was on another project for $26k and I didn't get until late May… 5 months. The next check I received was 2 weeks ago, for approx $77,500. But I've been paid nothing since May. $0 and only $26k for 80% of the year.

So one of the bookkeepers at our company (I know for a fact she's paid $22/hr), hands me the larger check and says something like “I think it's downright appalling you're getting checks like this while others are struggling to survive.” I just smiled and said have a nice weekend and walked out.

One, I'm not a boss, just a contract worker. Two, she doesn't know me from anyone else. She had zero sympathy for me needing to survive getting to the May check. IMO she was way out of line to ever say anything to me as it was not her business. Cut the checks and keep your mouth shut. You're not paid to randomly offer unsolicited judgements on anyone you see.

Here's the part that makes me smile. I was in the conf room talking with the higher ups on an upcoming project and the discussion of reducing company overhead came up as a way to pivot operations cost to take on lower margin projects in future years. I mentioned IMO there was redundancy with the bookkeepers and at least one position could be eliminated. I offered her name as a candidate for review, with the single comment that I was unimpressed with her work ethic and attitude.

She was terminated this morning.

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