
You’re not a “job creator” if the jobs you “create” don’t pay livable wages

Some fastfood chain recently posted a link to a news story on their social media, the headline saying that they're “creating” 750 new jobs in a nearby city with a new manufacturing facility opening up. So I Googled it and they're paying $11.50 an hour. Rent there is basically three and half weeks salary, working full time. That's barely enough to do anything else. Eat. Have a phone and a car to get there. Electricity. And then it got me thinking… Why is it that we are cool with these companies acting like they're doing anything for the community, or country at-large at all? It's self-interest! And why is the news fucking framing it like this was all just one big loving act of service to the community? Job creators. Pshh. Maybe they could say “job creator” back when a normal ass job could support a family of four, get…

Some fastfood chain recently posted a link to a news story on their social media, the headline saying that they're “creating” 750 new jobs in a nearby city with a new manufacturing facility opening up. So I Googled it and they're paying $11.50 an hour.

Rent there is basically three and half weeks salary, working full time.

That's barely enough to do anything else.

Eat. Have a phone and a car to get there. Electricity.

And then it got me thinking…

Why is it that we are cool with these companies acting like they're doing anything for the community, or country at-large at all? It's self-interest!

And why is the news fucking framing it like this was all just one big loving act of service to the community? Job creators. Pshh.

Maybe they could say “job creator” back when a normal ass job could support a family of four, get you a house and a car, a pension.

It's not something you can brag about anymore.

These people are gonna have to stand on their feet and deal with the shitty ass public and make food for 8.5 hours.

That fucking headline needs to read “Company to exploit another 30 people.”

Because that's what happens. They'll be hired, will be bilked for their work, and, barely kept alive just enough to come back the next day.

If you want to brag about “providing a job” to someone, there should be a goddamn minimum standard of living or otherwise it's not a fuckin flex.

And fuck that newspaper for their bullshit, too.

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