
$13 an hour for this? Just need to vent about this lol

It’s a baker position at a tea cafe. I come in and an expected to make 100+ scones, assorted deserts and decorate/plate everything for service. ( as well as the mix for scones which takes me 15-20min to prepare) on busy days we have parties of 50 people, otherwise it’s prep for the week. It’s one baker in the kitchen, and another employee who preps the lunch items. we are not allowed to help each other either. Nobody takes breaks, I was never told to take one or given the opportunity to. I’m constantly being told I’m not doing things fast enough when I’m still learning how to do everything the correct way and instead of being able to make things the way they should be I’m forced to rush things. So the work ethic they expect is, do everything at a high speed pace, take no breaks, and clock…

It’s a baker position at a tea cafe. I come in and an expected to make 100+ scones, assorted deserts and decorate/plate everything for service. ( as well as the mix for scones which takes me 15-20min to prepare)
on busy days we have parties of 50 people, otherwise it’s prep for the week. It’s one baker in the kitchen, and another employee who preps the lunch items. we are not allowed to help each other either.

Nobody takes breaks, I was never told to take one or given the opportunity to. I’m constantly being told I’m not doing things fast enough when I’m still learning how to do everything the correct way and instead of being able to make things the way they should be I’m forced to rush things.

So the work ethic they expect is, do everything at a high speed pace, take no breaks, and clock out on the dot so they don’t have to pay me any more than the hours given. for $13 an hour. Yes it’s a local business I get that they can’t pay everyone a living wage but no wonder they can’t keep employees for an extended period of time.
I enjoy the type of job I that it is but I’m scared to question the pay/lack of breaks to the owner/manager since I just started at the beginning of this month.
I can’t exactly afford to quit either.

corporate jobs seems like the only place you can actually work how they pay. Like… why bust my ass for minimum wage. Either pay your employees fair or expect less of them with a low starting rate without tips.

I can’t afford to go back to school at the moment either so I’m stuck doing this sort of work for a long time and I’m absolutely drained. I struggle with mental health issues with no way to pay for therapy on top of it.

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