
2 weeks into new job and I’m already done

It's a job in finance in a Silly-con Valley-esque company that sells…earplugs. And every single one of my coworkers is this peppy, over the top Zoloft vessel. They're all also under the delusion that these earplugs are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They keep praising the founders for their “genius” of developping negligblely “better” earplugs than the ones you find at CVS. They all “work” 10-12 hours a day and proudly mention it when they've only slept 3-4 hours last night… I'm only a temp there and I do need the money but what use is money when you're driving to work day dreaming of ending it all? I wish I could fake that peppy thing but I just can't. I'd rather be homeless again.

It's a job in finance in a Silly-con Valley-esque company that sells…earplugs. And every single one of my coworkers is this peppy, over the top Zoloft vessel. They're all also under the delusion that these earplugs are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They keep praising the founders for their “genius” of developping negligblely “better” earplugs than the ones you find at CVS. They all “work” 10-12 hours a day and proudly mention it when they've only slept 3-4 hours last night…

I'm only a temp there and I do need the money but what use is money when you're driving to work day dreaming of ending it all? I wish I could fake that peppy thing but I just can't. I'd rather be homeless again.

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