
Why bosses like rude, know-it-all employees?

After so many years of working, I've noticed something in every business (retail, restaurants, hotels) that the type of employee who acts like a boss, rude, refusing to do specific things like clean is always being favorited and rarely gets in trouble. I work at this hotel A and one of the employees acts like he has some top position when he is just a server. Screams at others and acts that he is doing everything perfect and always calls his managers 'Yes sir.' being obedient. The second hotel I work at, there is a lady who hates everyone, never likes to say good morning and tries to micromanage as if she knows it all and what she does is perfect. She has gotten in arguments with other employees but nothing happens to her because I guess she is really good at her job. It seems if you are bright,…

After so many years of working, I've noticed something in every business (retail, restaurants, hotels) that the type of employee who acts like a boss, rude, refusing to do specific things like clean is always being favorited and rarely gets in trouble.

I work at this hotel A and one of the employees acts like he has some top position when he is just a server. Screams at others and acts that he is doing everything perfect and always calls his managers 'Yes sir.' being obedient.

The second hotel I work at, there is a lady who hates everyone, never likes to say good morning and tries to micromanage as if she knows it all and what she does is perfect. She has gotten in arguments with other employees but nothing happens to her because I guess she is really good at her job.

It seems if you are bright, funny and friendly, they don't take you seriously. Especially to be given a promotion. Like I don't understand why a boss has to be intimidating. Also it seems these employees ***-kiss the managers while being a total jerk to others.

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