
They don’t care about you


I work at a remote call center and haven’t gotten a call in over 4 months.

I’ve enjoyed the hell out of not doing anything for 4 months. It feels like I’ve got a taste of what it’s like to be a rich person. I’ve literally slept in during work hours, left my computer at home and gone out to have fun. My mental health greatly improved, and my eczema (skin condition) has cleared up. Unfortunately the contract is up and I have to look for another job. But to say the least it was paradise not doing crap for that time.


the grindset at its finest


out of office comparison


*big sigh*


Let’s all play a game of YES YES NO.


Friendly reminder everyone.


Hey white collar crowd? You really need to learn how the hourly work environment operates

This is regarding a post I saw on here recently. Someone left a survey for a fast food chain saying they need to give the guy at checkout a raise, then they came back a while later and the guy was gone. Stop. Fucking. Doing. This. Stop stroking your egos and thinking you're our knight in shining armor come to save us from our own cowardice to just ask for a raise! You are literally getting people fired for this. You know what happens when you mention a worker by name? Even if the review is glowing? Disciplinary action. Doesn't matter what. They see your name in there? Black mark. Happened to me all the time. Happened to my coworkers. And in this case? I guaran-goddamn-tee you that guy got fired. Another user made a great point about this: bringing up wages in your review reads that the worker in…


Is it OK to get chipotle burrito 2 days in a row? Will the workers care?

Yesterday I got the craving for a burrito and so I went to chipotle for the first time in years. I got a Fat burrito and it satisfied my craving so much. Now it was so good that I want it again today. But how much is too much? Two days in a row, is it acceptable? Will the workers remember me or judge me?


Abstract discussion: what gives things value?

Not to be confused with price, I am speaking specifically about value. That is, if supply and demand are exactly equal, what makes a thing have the price it does?