
The big Canadian National Expo held annually in Toronto apparently wants servers to pay $90 for a uniform shirt.


How I see it.


1 Year- No pay raise, no bonus, and not even a coffee mug. Just an automated E-card that the CEO has HR set up.


Best motivation ever from my boss

“I am absolutely sure that you will never be a programmer, because of your age and this is the stupidest thing you ever tried!” Words of my current boss, that I work for 2 months and barely knows me, after I shared that I started learning coding ( me being 28 and in passionate about it). I felt kind of pain and motivation in the same time. Not only for coding , but for life in general.


Need Advice – How to Deal With Flaky Manager/Company

Hi Antiwork, I need advice on my current work situation. I had met with my manager approximately two weeks ago to discuss specifics about my promotion and raise. Today was payday and my raise was not reflected on my paycheck and I'm really upset about this. I understand that it is sometimes common for raises to not be immediately shown on your next paystub, due to company culture/logistics. Typically I am very understanding of these types of scenarios, however today my blood is boiling and I need to vent/take action. I currently work for a large General Contractor as a Sr. Project Engineer, working on commercial constructions projects throughout Southern California. I started with this company on March 1st, 2021 – so approx. 1.5 yrs now. For the first year while working for this company I was bouncing from project to project filling in and picking up lose ends and…


We do what we must to survive and got a reprimand from the coordinator for it (or specifically my coworker did)

This is my first post on Reddit, but I need to get this off my chest, and I don't know of any better place. Also, English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes I did. Unfortunately, my long-time friend and I, work together at a fast food joint from under the logo of the yellow letter from the alphabet. We've been working there for the same amount of time, we were both promoted at the same time, we're now managers, and it's been fairly short time since April. As you can easily guess, working at a fast food joint for the lowest wage is not some dream and we are understaffed. Last Sunday, however, was a nightmare, with 6 people falling off our schedule. We did not have all positions filled as it should have been. And the traffic started, and it was a lot of traffic,…


Abusive executives want to know if I will come back

[Throwaway to try prevent this blowing up on people who are still involved] So I recently left my job of 9 and a half years, due to the company execs being toxic, lying, abusive, manipulative, all the usual tricks. I was told I would never find a job that never expected me to be in an office [spoiler alert – my new job is exactly this]. Our team adjusted well to working from home during the pandemic, and never wanted to go back to the office. One thing led to another, and we were forced to go back 1 day a week. On our first ever day in, we found most of our equipment was gone from our desks [most of the team couldn’t work], our manager’s office had been turned into a dumping ground/storage area, and one of our team members had lost his office after around 15 years…


Corporate work & the nanny

My background – I'm a 25 year old corporate soldier making another capitalist rich, but i don't mind this job as I like some part of it. I was sick for the last three days and took off. While taking rest I didn't open slack or reverted on anything for all these days and felt bad for some part of it then realised that I don't have to feel bad. This company is the baby of its founders and maybe investors, I'm just a nanny, I will put in my efforts for the work hours but for the rest of it I should be free in my head thinking about myself and how I can utilise. If there's a fire at work place it's none of my concern, I have a little emotional attachment but in most of the cases it's not reciprocated by most of the companies so it…


Boss is threatening to sack me for no reason?

Boss is basically threatening to sack me within two weeks if I don’t improve my “work rate” despite this being my second month with the company. Apparently my boss spotted me offline on teams too frequently although I’ve not missed any deadlines or messed up anything serious… Let me also mention that this role is a step up and I applied giving open transparency to being new to certain aspects of the role – it’s even in email form. While I might be a slower at new tasks I haven’t actually messed anything up yet I’m not being trusted to do anything. It feels like bullying at this point. I’ve received rude, negative and overly critical emails and messages on countless occasion from my boss. Everyone in the company jokes about my boss being awful to work with, he’s made people cry and has been banned from talking to certain…


Help with job making me do a different, higher paid position

Starting off, throwaway since I know some people I work with use reddit and also on mobile. For roughly the past year, I've been helping to cover a position doing most if not all their shit almost every shift. Usually it was about an hour or two whenever I had to cover them which in my mind wasn't a big deal at the time. Last week, I found out that one of the people that work in the area make about 50% more than I do. I'm fucking pissed at this and honestly want to know if there is anything I can do to either not have to work their anymore, namely because I honestly don't want to think about it anymore, or if I can there is something else that I could do. I can't really say no to helping them at the moment as whenever they call out…